Thursday, December 22, 2011

10 Weirdest & Ridiculous College Mascots Funny Picture

Granted, managing to create a college mascot whose gigantic foam appendages perfectly straddle the line between ridiculous and comically appropriate is no easy task. University of Florida Mascot names for teams are always interesting. Colleges usually have names as fierce sounding as Gators. A school’s mascot is a symbol of pride and unity that students can rally behind. Anybody can have a wolf or a bear as their college mascot, but these schools have taken it upon themselves to have the most unique mascots ever. They are memorable to say the least! Has your school got a weird mascot? Add it in the comments. 10 Weirdest College Mascots. Report. giving it not only the honor of becoming the school's official mascot but probably the most ridiculous mascot of all time.

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