Monday, August 8, 2011

Apple Declare iPhone 5 Well be Release After December!

Apple well be release there latest product iPhone 5 with many color's. They don't declare the relies date. But they declare that, After December they well be bring iPhone 5 in the market. At that time all over take it from every where.

They bring iPhone 5 in the market with Touch scene, Motion sensor, Voice sensor, as with everything in the fast moving in the world.

  1. No more interruptions: Notifications don’t interrupt you and disappear quickly.
  2. One-swipe access: Swipe down to reveal Notification Center.
  3. See more at a glance: View stocks and weather, too.
  4. Send more than text: Send photos, videos, contacts, or locations.
  5. See when they’re typing: Ellipsis points appear when someone’s responding.
  6. Read the latest: Alerts tell you when new issues arrive.
  7. Shop for more: Tap to shop the App Store for new subscriptions.
  8. See what’s next: View reminders by date.
  9. Single sign-on: Sign in once and tweet as you go.
  10. Add a location: Say where you’re tweeting from.

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