Saturday, June 18, 2011

Apollo 11 Mission Summary!

Apollo 11 Mission History is known by all nation in the whole world. The purpose of the Apollo 11 mission was to land men on the lunar surface and to return them safely to Earth. It was the first mission for NASA. Apollo 11 manned space flight mission. Kamanin writes that Apollo 11 has completed its lunar mission successfully.

Down to 50,000 feet above the Moon, Apollo 11 was little different from 10. Armstrong, Aldrin, and Command Module Pilot Mike Collins had a flawless launch from Earth, a long, uneventful coast out to the Moon, and a nominal engine burn to put themselves into lunar orbit. As they crossed over the Sea of Tranquility for the first time, Armstrong remarked that "the pictures and maps brought back by Apollo 8 and 10 have given us a very good preview of what to look at here. It looks very much like the pictures; but, like the difference between watching a real football game and watching it on TV, there's no substitute for actually being here._ By NASA

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