Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Security as a Bolt On: Myth #2 of the Good-Enough Network!

Network security has to keep pace with an ever changing mobile workforce’s needs and an increased threat profile. Everywhere security risks are not protect by it. There’s been a 46% increase in the spread of malware on the mobile devices in 2010 while at the same time, 20% of workers have left devices unattended, and 46% have let others use their devices, according to the Connected World Report, 2010.

But with all these risks out there, so many “good enough” networks that are cobbled together with the least expensive equipment employ the bolt-on security method. On this leaves network (and valuable data) open to hackers and other security threats in the present world.

In the second installment of the Seven Myths of the Good Enough Network series, Mike Rau, VP & CTO of Cisco’s Borderless Network Architecture, delves into the myth of bolt-on security. In addition to outlining the pitfalls of taking a good-enough, bolt-on approach to security, Mike highlights the benefits of integrating security into the network architecture. Sound interesting? Here’s the full article on Silicon Angle.

From: Cisco

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