Sunday, June 12, 2011

Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)!

Are you beginning to prepare for the MCAT® exam, getting ready to register, or heading off to the test center? We have all the official information you need. Examinees with disabilities or medical conditions who feel adjustments are necessary to the testing environment are encouraged to apply for accommodated testing.

About the MCAT® Exam

The Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®) is a standardized, multiple-choice examination designed to assess the examinee's problem solving, critical thinking, writing skills, and knowledge of science concepts and principles prerequisite to the study of medicine. Scores are reported in Physical Sciences, Verbal Reasoning, Writing Sample, and Biological Sciences.

Almost all U.S. medical schools require applicants to submit MCAT exam scores. Many schools do not accept MCAT exam scores that are more than three years old.

Are You Eligible to Take the MCAT Exam?

You may sit for the MCAT exam if you are preparing to apply to a health professions school. These include the following types of schools: allopathic, osteopathic, podiatric, and veterinary medicine.

Click Here For More Information

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