Wednesday, April 6, 2011

About opening a common room or reading room!

The Principal,
Dhaka Collage, Dhaka.

Subject: Prayer for opening a common room or reading room.

We, the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that we have been suffering greatly for want of a common room in our college. After attending threes classes we feel the necessity of refreshing our boredom by gossiping among ourselves or by reading a magazine or a newspaper or by playing indoor games since there is no common room. The students spend their recess either by gossiping or roaming aimlessly. Hence you can easily realize the necessity of a common room. Had there been a common room. We could have easily spent our leisure properly.

In the circumstances stated above, we pray that you would be kind enough to make necessary arrangement for opening a common room in our college considering the greater benefit of the students.

Yours obediently,
Forhad Hossain Shahead
B.Com (pass) Part-I
Roll No - 12

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