Cooing Kuakata, the lowland lass of Latachapli in the sea-facing south of Bangladesh is 70 km. from Patuakhali District Headquarters and 320 km. from the Capital City of Dhaka. Here on the Bay, nature left to nature is the up and coming tourist hamlet of Kuakata with cool and kind holidaying kiss.
Fascinating name Kua (well), Kata (dug) was perhaps given to it by the earliest Rakhyne settlers from Kingdom of Arakan who landmarked the place by digging a well. Fabled curative qualities of well-waters of Kuakata is still a matter of “willing suspension of disbelief”. Fascinating still more is the sight of the sun at dawn rising from the depths of the sea and sinking into the same at dusk which can be glanced from the same point.
- The long wide beach in typical natural setting,
- Rising from the sea and setting into it of the crimson sun in a calm environment,
- Fairs and festivals during `Rush Purnima’ and `Maghi Purnima’,
- Unique customs and costumes of the `Rakhyne’ community,
- Ancient Buddhist temple & the largest Buddha statue of Bangladesh,
- Migratory birds in the winter season.
Dhaka-Barisal by Air. Barisal to Kuakata via Patuakhali by Road.
By steamer and launch:
Dhaka-Patuakhali and Patuakhali to Kuakata by local Transport.
By Road:
Dhaka-Kuakata by Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) Tourist Bus.
Khulna-Kuakata by Bus.

Parjatan Holiday Homes at Kuakta is an ideal tourist resort having necessary facilities for the tourists.
Deluxe Motel :
16 Rooms
Restaurant :
50 Seats
Room Tariff :
AC-Deluxe (Double) TK. 1800.00
AC-Twin Bed TK. 1500.00
Non-AC Twin Bed TK. 900.00
Economy Twin Bed TK. 600.00
Confc. Hall (50 pers.) TK. 6500.00
Rates are all inclusive and subject to change without notice.
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