Detection of arsenic in Bangladesh: Arsenic was first detected in Bangladesh in 1984. During that period about 2500 shallow tube-wells were tested in 34 districts out of which each and every tube-well was detected arsenic polluted. Another survey conducted jointly by the DPHL (Department of Public Health Engineering) and British Geological Survey 2000 showed that more that 90% of the shallow tub-wells in the most seriously arsenic polluted areas produced contaminated water exceeding .05 mg/1 of arsenic. It also marked that the most affected area in Bangladesh is North Bangal.
Harmful effect of Arsenic: Thousands of people in Bangladesh are suffering from arsenic poisonings and more are being affected every day. Poison by arsenic is a slow process. It is due to a gradual build-up of the poison in the human body. Eventually people start to show symptoms and become unwell. It causes sore in the fingers or in any other part of the body. Sometimes the sore turns into gangrene and then to cancer. It also affects different parts of the human body like liver, kidney, heart stomach, skin etc. Arsenic poisoning also causes irritation and serious burning of skins, hair falling, cough etc.
Medical treatment: At present there is no medical treatment or medicine that can prevent and disease caused by arsenic sis. Since there is no effective cure, preventive measures should be taken properly. Arsenic contamination can be mitigated to a large extent if the following preventive measures are adopted:
- Creating public awareness: The people are to be made conscious of the harmful effect of the arsenic poisoning. They are to give knowledge of the symptoms of arsenic contamination and places
- Regular surveying: In order to have the clear conception regarding arsenic pollution, regular survey should be done although the country. All the tune-wells should be tested to separate the safe from the unsafe. Safe tube-well should be painted green and unsafe ones should be painted red.
where they can get proper treatment.
Ensuring safe drinking water: In order to ensure the supply of pure drinking water more deep tube-well should be installed because deep tube-well are free from arsenic and bacteria’s. But they will also have to be tested in the future to ensure that it is still the case.
Surface water in ponds and rivers is a potential source of arsenic free water. But most surface water in our country is heavily polluted with dangerous bacteria. So no surface water should be sued without some form of treatment. Care should be taken while using river down stream of large cities such as Dhaka. As is may contain industrial pollution. Rain water should be collected for drinking in a bacteria free container. Water need not to be boiled to remove arsenic because boiling does not remove arsenic. Healthy balanced diet containing fish and vegetables should be taken. Food containing vitamin “A” “C” and “E” should be taken.
Conclusion: It is high time we found out the cause of arsenic pollution and put our all out efforts to fight this public hazard before it takes a serious turn.
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